Monday, July 4, 2011

The Big of Myth of Democracy

Happy 4th of July everyone--- and before you start getting too shit-housed and begin mindlessly screaming about how much you love 'Merica with dried barbecue sauce still pasted on your chin, just try remembering what you are really celebrating; you are celebrating the independence of government tyranny from British rule- hence the term Independence Day. While nothing gets me going quite like cold beer, fresh-grilled patties and illegal fireworks, I still cringe when I hear people yelling about how free and democratic America is now. I don't mean to burst some of your patriotic bubbles, but it's NOT. Now to be clear, I have no interest in throwing salt on your favorite bingeing holiday, I just want to make sure you are living in the same country I do, and can see through all the parading and make-believe of the 'freedom' and 'democracy' we supposedly have today. 

We'll start first with how the government is definitely not ruled by 'democracy', but by Benjamins. Capitol Hill is ruled by corporate lobbyists, whose loyalty is not to the country, but to their respective corporations and profit margins they gain by exploiting you as a customer. Whether this is done by convincing Congress to jack up prices of medicine, take advantage of overseas slave economies, criminalize people from growing their own food, or making sure profits are staying private and losses are paid by taxpayers, there is no doubt that the billions spent on lobbying every year is having an influence on the government. Not only that, members of Congress are openly allowed to trade in the stock market, and usually own stock in companies that they are regulating. The term conflict of interest comes to mind.

When corporations, conglomerates, or government entities with private components, control the direction and governance of a country, including carrying out economic planning in spite of a 'free market' label, you effectively have a Corporatocracy. And just in case you were wondering, that is DEFINITELY NOT democracy. We live in a monetary system; the people with the most money have the most power and influence, and according to recent statistics: You probably don't have much. The top 1% of America owns over 43% of all money, land and assets, or wealth. The next 19% of the population control 50% of the wealth, and the bottom 80% of everyone else controls a staggering 7% of the whatever is left. If you don't have any money for 'political contributions,' then no one in power gives a shit about what you have to say...and it's pretty safe to say that the vast majority of us don't. So that leads me to my next conclusion.....C.R.E.A.M, dolla' dolla' bill y'all.

We will now have a quick discussion about how the constitution and the rights that you think you have are about as alive as Michael Jackson. In the words of President Obama in a recent meeting when asked his thoughts on Prime Minister Putin’s warning that the United States should cease its march towards socialism replied, It doesn’t matter since for all intent and purposes the US Constitution is dead." LOLOL. Yes, you read that right. When the president of the United States says in all seriousness that the Constitution is dead, you should probably take his word for it.

Our First Amendment, or our 'freedom of speech/press/assembly,' is now designated only to 'free speech zones,' where you are limited to protesting off camera and out of the way from any important events. Even the internet is now compromised; with Cyber Security Bills that have been passed allowing the government to shut down any website they deem a 'danger,' or have views that are too 'radical.' We are already seeing racy videos and websites disappearing and being removed by cyber security because they pose 'threats.' This is a form of internet censorship and it is becoming more obvious as time goes by. The mainstream media is highly controlled, owned by few people, and filtered daily; they pick and choose stories and information and spin it in exactly the way they want you to hear it, and then tell you it's Fair and Balanced. In Amerika, you can say whatever you want as long as not too many people can hear you, unless you own and run your own media empire that suits the needs of the elite.

Our 2nd Amendment, or our right to bear arms, is now extremely regulated in some states and can be dramatically more difficult to obtain firearms depending on which one you live. Our 4th amendment has been completely terminated in some states such as Indianapolis, where the Indiana Supreme Court ruled that people have "No right to resist police entry into home." If a police officer wants to enter a home for any reason or no reason at all, a homeowner cannot do anything to block the officer’s entry. Not only that, you now get mildly raped every time you go to the airport- a clear violation and forfeiture of rights in the name of safety. 

It is this kind of stuff America is supposed to be celebrating their independence of. Our forefathers built this country on the principles of the Constitution and by eliminating tyranny, but sadly the Constitution is now irrelevant. Don't take my word for it; Google the Bill of Rights and find one right that has not been compromised in some way... 

To top things off, President Obama is now engaged in an illegal war against Libya, and he has recently said his actions don’t even need to be legal under the Constitution at all. He modestly and humbly says, "There may be a time in which there was a serious question as to whether the War Powers Resolution was constitutional, I don’t have to get to the question.” WTF?!?  Does this guy even remember that he SWORE to uphold and defend the Constitution when he was sworn in as President? No. King Obama need not follow laws. In a truly democratic society, everyone, including the president follow the laws of the land. 

It is more obvious than ever that the government is more powerful and tyrannical since the time of British rule. Even a baby can tell you that we have an overbearing and oppressive government. Regardless of all of this, however, America is still not a bad place to live. We have it better than a lot of other places out there. But I hope today you don't celebrate democracy or yell about independence from tyranny, because true democracy does not exist and tyranny is undoubtedly back again. It doesn't really matter anymore, though, because a day of reckoning for the oppressors will inevitably come. As long as you are with your friends and loved ones today, celebrate being alive, being a free spirit, and having fun. That's all that really matters anyway. Happy 4th everyone.